Ainsley's Angels 1Anxiety 20Anxiety5Backyard Ultramarathon2Body Image 6Books3Boundaries 1Change32Cognitive Distortions 2Cognitive Reframing 1Cognitive Reframing1Coping11Coping with Injury 3Coping with Injury1Deciding with Uncertainty 2Depression 4Depression1Eating Disorders 2Endurance Racing46Exercise, running and mental health 38Exercise, running and mental health12Facebook 4Failure 7Failure2Finish Stronger 20Finish Stronger9Focus 4Freebies 12Freebies4Goals41Grief 1Grounding and Earthing 3Grounding and Earthing1Growth13Guest Post 1Gym5Habits28Happiness11How to Run 100 Miles9Imposter Syndrome 1Inspirational 20Inspirational5Instagram 1Life Transitions 5Linktree 1Linktree1Meditation 1Men's Mental Health 3Mental Health Awareness 52Mental Health Awareness11Mental Health Counseling 19Mental Health Counseling6Mental Toughness 7Mental Toughness6Mindfulness24Mindset and mental wellness 143Mindset and mental wellness35Mother Runner 6Mother Runner7Motivational 36Motivational17Nature, outdoors and mental health 9Nature, outdoors and mental health1Nervous System 2Nervous System2Podcasts 12Podcasts1Positivity 8Positivity2Pregnancy2Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Losing a Child 1Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Losing a Child1Priorities and Time Management 1Psychology 19Psychology13Quote1Race Reports 11Race Reports8Race Training 18Race Training8Resources 21Resources11Risk Taking 3Risk Taking2Road Running5Run Club2Run Gear5Run Tri Bike Magazine 1Runner Safety2Running in the Heat2Self-Care50Self-Esteem3Self-Love8Services 27Services11Skills Development 1Skills Development2Sleep10Somatic1Sports Psychology 32Sports Psychology23Stop Soldier Suicide: Miles for Mike3Strengths5Suicide/Crisis Awareness and Lifelines 3Talent2Teletherapy 3Toxic Positivity 1Trail Running 29Trail Running12Trauma4Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress3Treadmill Running 2Treadmill Running1Ultra Recovery 3Ultra Recovery2Ultra Training 20Ultra Training15Ultramarathon33Updates/Announcements8Visualization 11Visualization4Women5Youth in Sports1YouTube16
What is distress tolerance? Many people try to cope by getting into behaviors that provide relief, but the behaviors can be unhelpful or harmful. Examples of ineffective coping behaviors are drug and alcohol use, gambling, spending money, overeating, and self-injury. We can learn distress tolerance skills to replace the ineffective coping behaviors in order to manage stress and crisis. How to star...

Distress Tolerance Coping Skills (DBT)

Jun 25, 2024
158 Visualizaciones

What is a Mindset and Why it Matters

Dec 06, 2023
149 Visualizaciones