Купити для Adri tea



ексклюзивних публікацій

White Tier

Обмежена кількість (залишилося 15 з 15)

  • Stand out with an exclusive "Tea Club" member role on Discord

  • Be a part of the 'Members Only' Discord channel + Vote & give input for TWAdri

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • A shout-out toast on discord and on stream in your honor

Green Tier

Обмежена кількість (залишилося 15 з 15)

  • All rewards in the White Tier

  • Exclusive Access to "Adri's Diary", a private discord channel not accessible to the general public

  • Unlock exclusive posts on BuyMeACoffee

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Oolong Tier

Обмежена кількість (залишилося 10 з 10)

  • All rewards in the White and Green tiers

  • Handwritten Note from Adri + a Monthly TWAdri Sticker Pack

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Black Tier

Обмежена кількість (залишилося 9 з 10)

  • All Rewards in the White, Green, and Oolong Tiers

  • Free & Discounted Merch & Extras

  • Be a member of the smaller, Upper Tiers' Private Discord communi-tea & vote on upcoming projects

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Matcha Tier

Обмежена кількість (залишилося 10 з 10)

  • A Private Monthly VIDEO CALL Tea Party with Adri and the Matcha Tier members

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • All rewards in the White, Green, Oolong, and Black Tiers


Stream Notes: How to Cope with Stress


Send Adri Mail


Stream Notes: How to Cope with Stress


Send Adri Mail
