[ACTION STEPS] for The Peaky Pines Playbook 1:12 “ Never get distracted from the direction you know deep down that you’re supposed to be moving in. Whenever life tests you, understand that it’s only trying to get you back on track. Don’t forget that”. (The Peaky Pines Playbook 1:12) How to keep learning stuff. 1) Get involved in communities online where people are pursuing similar ...
[ACTION STEPS] Don't get Distracted.
Mar 31, 2023
“ Never get distracted from the direction you know deep down that you’re supposed to be moving in. Whenever life tests you, understand that it’s only trying to get you back on track. Don’t forget that”. (The Peaky Pines Playbook 1:12) If you're trying to make changes in some area of your life, don't stress when things feel like they're going downhill again, or when it feels like stuff's ...
Peaky Playbook Post - Don't Get Distracted.
Mar 31, 2023