Buy ETNX & ETNXP now and you'll get maximum benefit as we deploy Electronero 2.0 xAssets. EI-1.0 holders get to keep EI-1.0 coins, and claim shares of XSC on various networks as well as claim EI-2.0 xAssets such as xETNX & xETNXP, xLTNX, xGLDX, xCRFI, xXMR, xETN and more XRC-20 tokens deployed on Electronero Smart Chain! xAssets start out paired to XSC, BNB, ETH and various coins/tokens th...
Electronero 2.0 deploys 09/09/2021 Jump in now! Don't miss out! Get the lowest rates now!
Sep 01, 2021
268 visualizzazioni
Electronero 2.0 main net operations are being deployed. Electronero 1.0 operations will run parallel with Electronero 2.0 operations. Electronero Smart Chain is a public Blockchain ecosystem. Offering public and private solutions to the community. Electronero Smart Chain is a whole new Electronero 2.0(EI-2.0) ecosystem, with its own coin & interchained tokens on other platforms. Electronero Sm...
Electronero 2.0: Interchained & Electronero Smart Chain
Sep 01, 2021
248 visualizzazioni