À propos Wendy, Your EI Coach
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Hey educator friends,🦋 It’s 2024 and it’s time to seriously think about the importance of YOU, YOUR PASSION and YOUR FUTURE. Focusing on your dreams, aspirations and goals should extend beyond your school/classroom and let me tell you why… PERSONAL GOALS and DEVELOPMENT exceeds outside the classroom. Like anyone else, you have ambitions and interests that may not be fulfilled solely throu...
Let me tell you why!
Jan 14, 2024
103 Vues
Hey you👋🏾, It’s your princiPAL Wendy! Hopefully, everyones start of the school year has been pretty good!…Well, I mean, overall!! I’m not ambivalent to the real deal, I guess wishful thinking for sure! Whew Chile, it’s been a crazy start for me to say the least. We have had teachers to quit. You maybe thinking 🤔 you’re the queen of teacher support and advocate?!?! You didn’t i...
A few months in seems like eternity!😫
Sep 27, 2022
130 Vues