"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." - Oscar Wilde   There’s been a lot of discussion about empathy and compassion when it comes to providing behavior analytic services. Sometimes professionals get so caught up in the science they miss some of the more engagi...

Ep42 Unmasking Through Theatre with Sarah Duc

Nov 08, 2022
There’s a common adage: “You can’t understand another person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” Sometimes those shoes take you into lesser charted territories. In a previous episode we discussed applications of behavior analysis in rural communities, but not all rural communities are the same, and we would be remiss to assume so! In this LIVE talk we meet with Matt Cicoria, owne...

Ep41 Rural Planets: The Impact of Geographical Differences and Evaluating Quality of Life

Nov 08, 2022
While many practicing in the field of behavior analysis would like to believe the general populace has an accurate understanding of the science, it  can’t be ignore that quite the opposite is true. Spend a few minutes googling “ABA” and one can find there is a plethora of misinformation and misunderstandings about the application of behavior analysis. And while the first reaction may be...

Ep39 “‘ABA’ -- You keep using this term. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Nov 02, 2022
While there is plenty of discussion about the increase in autism diagnoses during the current and recent generation, we cannot forget there’s a generation of individuals, particularly female, who were overlooked. Depending on when a person receives a diagnosis, the changes and opportunities for an individual shift. In this LIVE talk, we meet with Sarah, who received her diagnosis of autism later...

Ep38 Battling Diagnostic Stigmas- A Discussion with Sarah Alford

Nov 02, 2022
During this year, we are trying to talk less and listen more. In this LIVE talk, we meet with Nyetta to learn from her experiences as an African American woman, behavior analyst, and mother as she navigates the many, layered complexities of the educational and medical system for herself and family. Nyetta is a self-diagnosed Autistic and during the talk she unpacks the barriers she has faced while...

Ep37 Navigating Systems and Intersectionality with Nyetta Abernathy

Nov 02, 2022
When creating goals, targets, programs, addition/removal of accommodations, are we genuinely listening to the needs and preferences of autistic individuals? Or do we find ourselves more likely to adhere to data and mastery criterion to direct our behaviors? As practitioners, we may mean well, but it is in our best interest to set aside our pride and take some time to listen to the voices of those ...

Ep34 Lived Experience and Self-Advocacy with Michau Van Speyk

Nov 02, 2022
Picture this, you’re a student in a classroom. The letters and numbers on the paper shift and move. The lights aren’t just too bright, they’re also too loud. One of your classmates apparently changed their shampoo and that’s all you can smell now. With all these stimuli, what is a learner to do? Many of the individuals we work with experience the world in a vastly different way than their ...

Ep31 Feeling Alien in Your Own World with Rebecca H

Nov 02, 2022
During our initial LIVE talk with Dr. Merrill Winston there were several comments and questions in the chat we felt needed to be further addressed. In this “ATBA after dark” follow-up, Merrill addresses the concerns that come with medications being administered for behavior reduction (including challenging and sexual behaviors), tips for collaborating with prescribing professionals, and the im...

Ep27 *Actual Results May Vary Follow Up with Dr. Merrill Winston (ethics)

Apr 13, 2022
There was a lot of discussion in the chat during our previous LIVE Assent and Consent talk so we wanted to take some time to address those comments and questions. In this follow-up, we meet again with Nyetta, Jennifer, Sarah, Summer, and introducing Treichae, to talk more in depth about specific aspects of consent, token economies, and generalized compliance issues. Again, disclaimer, some of the ...

Ep25 Non-Compliance Doesn’t Mean Defiance- Assent, Consent FollowUp (ethics)

Apr 13, 2022