Some of our previous guests have talked about applying the science of behavior analysis to health, fitness, and wellness; creating programs for others, or oneself, to build and improve physical fitness. But sometimes, bodies give out and injuries happen. Then what? Can the science behavior analysis be applied to recovery? Dr. Brennan Armshaw joins us today to discuss how by expanding our perspecti...

Ep47 47 Expanding the Behavior Analytic Universe-Behavioral Medicine and Technology with D

Dec 30, 2022
We’re going to be putting on our theory and philosophy hats for this one! In this LIVE talk with Kellie Sisson Snider, MS, artist, writer, and aggression consultant, we’re going to discuss the concept of reinforcement, Constructional Aggression Training, and Art in the behavioural sciences. Kellie worked with shelter animals, private practice, and her application of negative reinforcement to t...

Ep45 Learning to be Constructional through Art and Animals with Kellie Sisson Snider

Dec 30, 2022
Oh man this is gonna be so cool! We’re gonna talk layers of reinforcement! We’re gonna talk animal training! We’re gonna talk about zoo animals learning to consent to receive necessary injections! AND we’re gonna talk Goldiamond and the importance of stories and listening, unpacking the organism/learner, and how behavior analysis can improve the lives of animals, their keepers, handlers, a...

Ep44 Curiosity, Creativity, Constructional Approach, and Critters with Lisa Clifton-Bumpas

Dec 30, 2022
“We don’t ever need to remove reinforcement from the learner to achieve success.” Maasa and Sean ABAI 2022 Many behavior analysts and animal trainers are familiar with the concept of differential reinforcement and planned ignoring- an undesired behavior occurs, and attention is removed until a desired behavior emerges then attention is delivered. But this quote from ABAI 2022 has resonated w...

Ep43 Pandemics, and Puppies, and Pawsitives oh my! A conversation about the Constructional

Dec 30, 2022
"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." - Oscar Wilde   There’s been a lot of discussion about empathy and compassion when it comes to providing behavior analytic services. Sometimes professionals get so caught up in the science they miss some of the more engagi...

Ep42 Unmasking Through Theatre with Sarah Duc

Nov 08, 2022
In previous episodes we’ve reviewed the basic components of the Constructional Approach and have discussed how it can be applied to families, parent training, interpreting emotional contingencies. In this episode we expand further into the Constructional galaxy to meet with Jessica Winne, BCBA, to talk about how she applied the Constructional Approach in an autobody shop. Behavior is rational an...

Ep36 Expanding the Constructional Galaxy- Constructional Approaches in an Autobody Shop wi

Nov 02, 2022
Behavior analysis isn’t limited to working with humans or their systems and organizations. In fact, there’s a whole field of study revolving around animal behavior. And similar to their human counterparts, animals are unique creatures and the science of behavior analysis can help bridge the gap to understanding and working with animals. In this LIVE talk, we meet with BAAAB (Behavior Analysts ...

Ep35 Creature Feature- Unpacking Behavior Analysis and Animal Training with Behavior Analy

Nov 02, 2022
Behavior Analysts know that the learner is always right, but there are cases where people start doubting this because of how disturbing some behaviors seem. It is important to always remember that the behavior is rational and makes sense regardless of how bizarre it may seem. In the Constructional Approach, no behavior is considered maladaptive. Behavior is considered always to be adaptive, althou...

Ep33 Tools of Empowerment: Emotions and the Constructional Approach with Jonathan Amey

Nov 02, 2022
Let’s be honest, working with humans can be difficult. To formulate successful programs for clients, there are a variety of contingencies to consider, and several approaches that can be taken. There are multiple competing contingencies, learning histories, and the ebb and flow of potentiating variables. It may seem to be an overwhelming task, but there are a variety of ways to help interpret/und...

Ep26 What Does it Mean to be Constructional? with Awab Abdel-Jalil

Apr 13, 2022