About Artistaffame

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I'm excited for the future. It's a strange but a good feeling knowing that I do have a future. It's not something I could see for myself 6 years ago. I had no confidence didn't know how to socialise and didn't want to imagine a future without mum. I was scared of it. Each time I thought about it i would get so overwhelmed and a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. I gave up on myself and fel...
Future me/teeth update
Feb 21, 2022
I know you'll never read this because I'm sure you'd rather not be reminded that contrary to your denial there's actually people living in poverty. I watched you at senate estimates and I was reminded how different our lives were that you can ignore and deflect questions relating to the low rate of Jobseeker and each day I have to live it. You said that those on Jobseeker also get free healthcare ...
Dear Anne Ruston
Feb 17, 2022
Trigger warning -sexual assault We’ve all seen the footage of Grace Tame meeting with Morrison and her clear reaction to him. We've also seen all the negative and positive feedback she has received for it. What I find interesting is the negative comments are mostly coming from men. I've met my fair share of men who believe women should smile more ( you'd be prettier if you smiled) men who believ...
“Smile and say thank you”
Jan 27, 2022