Your excuses interest me none at all and your whispered apologies fall on ears hardened against hearing and a heart so broken that this loss is barely something it can bear. Yet bear it does, a complete surprise, on dreams and hopes long held close and hidden from the fears that beat against both the doors secured and locked and the windows shut and barred. So do your worst in ways you cannot see ...

It Interests Me None

Feb 03, 2025
Within your sphere of diligence and play linger not on the possibilities and residual chaos but instead on the here and now before you. Listen with more than just your unwilling ears and see with eyes unfettered by convention that ties the mind and stifles creativity. Use all that is at your disposal and near at hand to sever the connection to long held fears and take that one step that leads you ...

Washing Away the Clutter

Feb 01, 2025
Indeed it's hard to see through the noise of aches and pains and untempered status to beyond where the infinite sits in all its glory. But that doesn't hinder the heart its askance for reasons plain and thoughts simple found to express and understand the invisible foe. Let not this struggle confound or delay the journey on paths clogged and blocked where your might can still mercy find and claim.

In Pain Purpose Hides

Jan 30, 2025
Intuitive is the one who takes the step before true thought forms, asserts, and directs our steps north or south. A whisper in the air and on your heart whispers of actions near and far, those things we question of reality. Simple is something not so honest as is the complex often convoluted and unsecure in purpose and theme. It takes tremendous faith and hope to listen to what's said beneath it a...

Whispered Deeds and Desires

Jan 07, 2025
The wall doesn't dare move or shift as I lay at its feet the blame, the pain, refusing to ignore but instead to see. Walls completely surround me but this one is it, the offender I've chosen, that keeps me prisoner inside a lie. It forces me to find a way, a path, to ignite my buried creativity's passion all while refusing to give in, to give up. Let me paper that wall with hopes, covering it in e...

Refusing the Mask of Defeat

Jan 02, 2025
When a head pounds day and night a migraine's throb an endless echo a quiet moment is a celebration savoring the tenderness that is only found with the pain's silence enforced So we take for ourselves those moments those seconds, minutes, hours and days when what haunts us most, the thrum, the ache, the stress, even the nausea threatens to unseat you from control of life and limb in favor of silen...

When There is Quiet

Oct 28, 2024
Blow me away with the depth of your commitment Let me dance amid the daydreams of your sanity Drown me in the honest carnality of your obsession Swear to me your intention, offer me some prose Lead me to the site of your passionate conclusions Bring me roses at twilight that glow a bright hue Deliver to me whispered promises from your angels Sing to me your love songs that they might be mine

In Light of Your Sincerity

Oct 17, 2024
Everything spread so thin there is no cover Wishing something, anything, might stay the same Holding your breath, hoping against hope All you need is one moment, a moment of peace Let it wash over you, a waterfall of sincerity All your worries dancing around the fire in bliss So strong, so powerful, you feel its burden Heavy on your shoulders, an intensity of emotion Bringing you low when all you ...

Crystalized Contingencies

Oct 10, 2024
It swept through a storm of vice and pain. It blew through leaving scars and memories. The words failed stuck in your throat. The thoughts remained feeding your fear. Lest you fail at living you express your regret. Lest you fail at dying you embrace the past. The path. The future. The journey. The end.

The Last Confession

Oct 03, 2024