Refusing the Mask of Defeat

Refusing the Mask of Defeat

Jan 02, 2025

The wall doesn't dare move or shift

as I lay at its feet the blame, the pain,

refusing to ignore but instead to see.

Walls completely surround me

but this one is it, the offender I've chosen,

that keeps me prisoner inside a lie.

It forces me to find a way, a path,

to ignite my buried creativity's passion

all while refusing to give in, to give up.

Let me paper that wall with hopes,

covering it in external beauty and power,

my truth and my honesty on display.

Because if I look away, hide or blink,

I will turn away and refuse to take action,

disappearing into a world of fear,

finding no mercy for me or my soul.

Oh how I wish to be free, to soar,

to stumble upon the answers, the moments

and experiences that will allow me

to take my place in this world of confusion

and not only survive but thrive.

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