There is no quantifying the hours of my life + years of study I've devoted towards reclaiming this lineage medicine. I want to hold space for the perspective some hold - that paying for hours of labor is transactional - without that invalidating my own experience: which is that working for free is how I and my people have been exploited. White people make millions of $$ selling Chinese medicine, q...
Honoring my ancestors is non-negotiable.
May 14, 2021
" Tapping Into Ancestral Roots to Nourish Our Connections With the Stars " on Sankofa Rising Astro " Ethical Abundance: Welcoming prosperity without selling your soul " on Business As a Magical Practice " What is your "divine assignment?" " on Trauma Camp for Teachers " Nurturing your divine assignment " and " The dreams we dream together "on Are You There, Universe? " Intergenerational Ancestral ...
podcast appearances
Apr 16, 2021