Iain Dick
9 sostenitori
Wondering about... work work work

Wondering about... work work work

Feb 26, 2023

This has been... it’s been... well, it's been.

I cannot complain as I have started my new job. My new social-antisocial job. I now start every shift at work at 1.45am, and work through until what most people would call the actual morning. The social part of is it that it involves customers (passengers) from 4am onwards, so I can't even call it an antisocial job.

Now that the first week of it is over, it's right on time for our Reading Week at uni, where it's time to stay home and study your socks off. But of course, 2 of those days are taken up by even more school teacher strikes - as if I haven't voiced my thoughts on that already!

On top of that, Lent began this week. Last year, I made the point of swearing off all social media, and was dry from alcohol for the whole 40+ days too. This year, I was indecisive. So, apart from a rogue glass of wine yesterday; I'll be dry. And, instead of being off all social media; I'm cutting out the biggest collector of my time: Instagram. Facebook, Twitter, even Tiktok, none of them take up as much as IG does for me. So it's out too.

Next task, get as much uni work done as humanly possible this week. Fingers crossed and hands together.


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