This whole Internet thing .... Going Live on Facebook, scheduling posts, creating wonderful looking posts and pdfs on Canva... Can I be honest? I have no idea what I am doing. But I'm doing it anyway. I got very excited to learn how to embed links in pdfs about a week ago....I haven't a clue as to whether that will be a useful skill or not yet, I guess time will tell. It's not an easy task, sellin...
Tech UNsavvy
Apr 19, 2024
Its been a while. To say the last few years have been quiet, easy or any of those things that equate to the "I'm Fine" response we all frequently throw out there when asked, would do myself and my Healing Journey a massive disservice. Post Menopause, Living alone for literally the first time ever in my 49 years on this planet - navigating who I am now that I am not all the the faces and personalit...
Well Hello there....
Apr 01, 2024
Just for Today, I am Calm, I will Trust, I am Grateful, I am Honest in my work, I am Kind to every living thing. This post is going to explore the 4th Principle.... I am Honest in my work. It took me until recently to fully absorb what this Principle means to me and how to apply it to my everyday life, which considering we are currently 'locked down' due to Covid-19 and I have spent more time NOT ...
The 5 Principles
Feb 13, 2021