The old and simple truth of love 🇺🇦

The old and simple truth of love 🇺🇦

Oct 03, 2022

So October finally came. First of all I want to apologize with the precious friends from all parts of the world for being out of reach. Finally the duty had called and for security reasons personal communication devices were not allowed along the journey.

Thank you for all the prayers and the good vibrations for me and for my family, everyone of us are alright. I'm back in full safety. The fact that I couldn't communicate myself with the outer world, however, was not an impediment to blow my mind of thoughts I wished so much to have saved, but I'll try to make an exercise of resuming some of them.

That were the kind of thoughts that only arises when we are stepping that road which can potentially drive us to death. At the moment we place our boot on the pavement, there's nothing in our control.

As tiny humans, we are absolutely nothing compared with the big forces of nature, like the terrible hurricanes that affected North America, and also nothing facing the big forces of human evil like Russian maneuvers in Ukraine. The insane noise of missiles and artillery only reminds us that human flesh is milliseconds away from disintegration at any time.

What is all this insanity for? It feels so horrendous, so outrageous, so disgracefully out of reason to be immersed on this situation that we are compelled to think everything is just out of the right order. There's an obvious contradiction somewhere, something that brings probably the most extreme anxiety a person can feel.

For me, this contradiction seems to stand on what is natural for a human being. The old and simple truth that it's much more natural for men to help and to love one another, but not to oppress and to kill one another.

The simple and clear truth that meets every soul, going much beyond religious and scientific patterns or superstitions. The truth that, for our life, one law is valid. The law of love, which brings the highest happiness to every individual as well as to all mankind.

The eternal truth inherent in every man and every woman, which is one and the same in all the great religions of the world. It will soon emerge and make its way to general recognition. The nonsense that has enclosed on our civilization will disappear of itself, taking away the very evil from which humanity now suffers.

As soon as men live entirely in accord with the law of love, natural to their hearts, and finally revealed to them, excluding all resistance by violence and therefore hold aloof from all participation in violence, as soon as this happens, no nation will be able to crush a neighboring nation and no people will be capable to deny the existence of another one.

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