Podcast Update: New YouTube Content & Wh ...

Podcast Update: New YouTube Content & What's Next!

Apr 13, 2024

Hey everyone!

I wanted to update you on the podcast and YouTube channel. As you might have noticed, I've been posting more members-only content lately. While I don’t want to share general updates on my main website, I wanted to give you a sneak peek here.

Earlier this year, I committed to trying weekly solo podcast episodes for three months (quarter one). There was definitely interest in this format, but it seems like it works better for YouTube.

Here's the plan moving forward:

Expect more non-podcast videos on YouTube: Short(er)-form content (under 10 minutes) will now live exclusively on YouTube. Subscribe here to catch it!

The podcast stays on a fortnightly schedule: We'll stick to the usual format and schedule with the occasional long-form solo episode.

Members-only benefits: Consider subscribing or joining membership programs here for detailed updates on upcoming content, discount codes, free online event tickets, and other perks!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support!

I'll chat with you all again soon.

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