My name is Tommy and I am an outdoorsman, podcaster and speaker. On Tommy’s Outdoors, I talk and write about the natural environment, biodiversity, conservation, hunting and fishing, rewilding and more.
I am particularly interested in wildlife and human-wildlife interactions. I enjoy reading scientific papers on those subjects as much as being outdoors weathering the elements and getting first-hand experiences.
Now you can support my work and buy me a coffee! Your support is greatly appreciated and is a great help in making the podcast.
Donateurs récents

Tony Bynum est désormais membre.
Thank you for what you do, Tommy. We are an ocean apart, I'm in the USA (but have spent a good amount of time in Scotland), you're in Ireland, but our natural resources issues overlap in many ways, not least because we live on the same small earth. The US and the UK should do better by learning from one another's mistakes. Alas, here we are, fighting similar fights across an ocean. The fight is on two fronts. First, education, second, information. Both need serious attention. You address both honestly and sincerely. The only way to get through this is by presenting the facts and building trust. Thank you for what you do. Tony Bynum Conservation Photographer, Montana, USA.
Hello Tony!I'm honoured that you decided to join this little community of supporters! It's a massive help for me and I much appreciate your advice and support over the years! Thank you for such a thoughtful note. I completely agree with your assessment of the situation. I think we need to keep working on both fronts, and things will turn around. They always do, eventually. With people like you working towards this common goal, we'll get there sooner than it might look at times.Thanks again, and chat soon!Tommy

Rewildlife a acheté 3 coffees .
Love your work man. Great inspiration and learned a lot from them. Maybe we can collaborate sometime!