Conservation and Science Replay Series

Conservation and Science Replay Series

Aug 27, 2024

As the Conservation and Science community continues to grow, with new listeners joining every week, I'm excited to announce a Conservation and Science Replay series. While we maintain a fortnightly schedule for new episodes, I've decided to use the other weeks to rebroadcast some of the best content from the past year.

This "greatest hits" series will serve a double purpose. For my new listeners, it's an opportunity to catch up on some of the most impactful and evergreen episodes you might have missed. These are discussions that remain as relevant today as when they were first aired. For loyal long-time listeners, it's a chance to revisit your favourite moments or perhaps catch something you missed the first time around. As a result, you can now enjoy weekly content, with new episodes continuing on a regular fortnightly schedule.

As we embark on this journey through last year’s episodes, I'd love to hear from you. If you have a favourite episode that you believe deserves a spot in the replay series, please reply to this post and let me know. Your input will help shape this series and ensure I’m rebroadcasting the content that resonates with our community the most.

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