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May Arcanites & Upcoming Spreads

May 12, 2023
93 visualizzazioni
April was inactive due to PC issues, I had to get a new PC and then that PC had some issues, it was unfortunate, anyway, let's move on! New Products: What Are They Thinking (Tarot Reading) Ancestor's Influence (Tarot Reading) I have a couple of readings slotted to come out for June as well and I am working on possibly offering more spell books. There is more I want to do if only I can find the tim...

May Shop Updates

May 12, 2023
127 visualizzazioni
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March Arcanites

Mar 08, 2023
89 visualizzazioni
Got some new spreads that I've been working on for the past few weeks! I put a lot of thought into the best way to approach a "Get Your Ex Back" reading, and I wanted to focus on a more specific goal, healing the past relationship with said person, not just forcing them back into your life, ya dig? This is what I felt I needed, and so it is how I attempted to redirect the spread. The Past Life cam...

New in March 2023

Mar 08, 2023
276 visualizzazioni
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February Arcanite Coupons

Feb 02, 2023
58 visualizzazioni
Great news, everybody! Deck choices are back , and there are even more than before- a total of 10 now. Instead of going by names, I've just gone ahead and numbered them. I've also decided instead of $3/card, I will lower it to $2/card. There are some readings listed on the BuyMeACoffee page that are automatically discounted 20% for members! I will continue to put specific & niche spreads on my...

New in February 2023

Feb 02, 2023
68 visualizzazioni
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January Arcanite Coupons

Jan 19, 2023
100 visualizzazioni
PDF Books These are still on my to-do list. As I've mentioned before, I don't want to make page-sets filled with information, there's a lot out there like that already and that's also not how I sculpted my journey into witchcraft. I made myself templates and then started archiving my uses, my thoughts, and everything beyond. So that's why I focus on this kind of fill-in-the-blank journal sets. Thi...

2023 Rebirth

Jan 18, 2023
104 visualizzazioni
Well, I think if y'all know me by now, y'all know that social media & contact is where I fall short. Communication is where I fall short, always, and I am always trying to get better at staying updated with folks. That said, I am again sorry for my extended silence. There are still some refunds that I need to complete, I have reopened the shop and the money it generates will help get these fin...

Shop Rebirth

Nov 16, 2022
98 visualizzazioni