It's December already!!!

It's December already!!!

Dec 07, 2021

It's so hard to believe that this year is almost over!!! If you're anything like me, you get excited about the ending of one year and the beginning of another year full of change and new beginnings. This year has been a hard one. The past two years have been hard. They have been uncertain and the winds (more like tornados) of change ripped through many of our lives and families. One thing to know is that difficult times do not last always. If you can just bear down and survive the difficult times, then you know that better days are ahead.

The beginning of a new year is so exciting for me. Yes, I still make resolutions and I will never stop. You see, I always plan. I plan every day even though every day does not go according to my plan lol. I definitely live by the saying about failing to plan.

"Failure to plan, is planning to fail."

-Benjamin Franklin

I always keep a running to-do list. I find that I wonder about the day aimlessly if I don't!

I started a job a couple months ago and it has really hampered the way that I go about my day. One day soon I hope to be able to bring in a substantial income doing the things that I love. Until then, I'll keep trying to make things work! If you follow me on my Youtube channel (please do if you're not), you've noticed that I haven't posted in about a month. Now you know why. To be honest, working a full time job, raising kids, being a wife, running errands and taking care of the home (even with everyone pitching in) is quite a lot, so even though my heart is into making videos and writing and otherwise creating, my energy just doesn't allow it.

I am working on a schedule that will allow me to better balance my home/work life. Although it's difficult, it can be done. People do it every day. I'm going to find my mojo again and when I do, watch out world! The things that I have planned will knock your socks off!!

Until then, keep hoping, keep praying and keep wishing! Next year will be a better year and tomorrow will be a better day :). Keep smiling!

Take care of YOU,


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