Today, someone asked me how I use the Enneagram to increase my self awareness and the first thing that came to mind when I was responding was how irritated I was last night and how the Enneagram coupled with the gospel is actively pulling me out of it. Last night, I got pissed. Like, so angry that I could feel my jaw tightening and my body tensing up. Why? Well on the surface, it was because of my...
Story Time: I'm extremely spoiled
May 13, 2021
111 Visualizaciones
Unfortunately, I still measure my success by how productive I was that day. If you've been following along this week, you'll know that this week had a very rocky start. It wasn't until today, Thursday, when everything started to feel and look normal and by normal I mean I was back to my productive, busy self. Everything that I had on my checklist to complete was done, except one thing. Everyone ha...
Measuring success by productivity + membership updates
May 07, 2021
109 Visualizaciones