More Than Soccer

More Than Soccer

Nov 11, 2023

September 29, 2022

To my amazing daughter on your Harrison High School Soccer Senior Night,

How I will cherish what soccer has meant in our lives. I remember so fondly searching for matching soccer socks and hair bows for your early years at GLRSA. And, how proud I would be that you would outscore everyone on both teams every single game. Stopping at Starbucks for celebratory hot chocolate when it was cold or ice cream when it was hot. I loved how quickly and easily and intuitively you took to the game.

I was so proud when you played for FC Kronberg in Germany. You couldn’t even speak the language and you were out there giving it your all. I was so proud of you and the unique experience you had with that team and Tito the Jaegermeister drinking coach!

I have such great memories of watching you play Boiler FC! But I especially loved all our away tournaments when we stayed in hotels and shopped. It was so great to have that time just to ourselves. Especially when we had a lot of chaos in  our lives, in felt like a vacation!

Your HS Career has been so fun! I was so proud when you made varsity as a freshman and watching your friendships develop with teammates through the years and now to watch you as a captain and team leader and see how the younger players look up to you! 

I will always cherish the role soccer played in your childhood and marvel at how you excelled in your sport.

You are strong and smart and driven and all things lovely and wonderful and I am proud to be your mom. 

I can’t wait to watch you conquer the next era of your life. 

I love you dearly,


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