Retrain Your Brain and Release Yourself ...

Retrain Your Brain and Release Yourself from the Effects of Trauma

Jul 03, 2024

My two intentions for writing this article are one, to give trauma survivors a couple of body-based interventions to release themselves from the effects of trauma, and two, to share with you that you can purchase this valuable information for yourself.

These train your brain techniques to heal trauma and build resiliency were developed by trauma expert Dr. Jennifer Sweeton.

Dr. Jennifer Sweeton is the creator of the Train Your Brain Card Deck.

Originally trained as a neuroscientist, she is a clinical and forensic psychologist specializing in trauma treatment and the neuroscience of mental health.

I’m not affiliated in any way with Dr. Jennifer Sweeton, but I have taken one of her courses (it was really good) and own the Train Your Brain Card Deck, which I use as a tool when it is appropriate with my clients.

Myself, I specialize in working with adults who are having difficulty with anxiety, trauma, and or an eating disorder.

The things that I like most about the card deck is that each exercise is practical and you know what the exercise helps with. – It is a bonus that she includes the part of the brain being used when doing the activity.

Take a look at these practical interventions for retraining the brain and finding release from the effects of trauma.

The exercises support our wellbeing, in general, because they are calming, can improve the connection with our bodies, boost memory, and strengthen self-esteem...

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