Shannon Mick
10 sostenitori
Oil Creek 100 Race Report: My 4TH DNF at ...

Oil Creek 100 Race Report: My 4TH DNF at this beast (2022)

Mar 14, 2024

I never imagined not finishing this race.

I didn’t “strike oil” this year.

Many things went right. Hydration and nutrition were spot on, which was a huge goal going into this.

No blisters or chaffing, thanks to Squirrels Nut Butter and Injinji socks.

The weather was one of the better years.

I was surrounded by friends, including my pacer, Katie, and my husband Stephen.

I was moving well and keeping up with my friend Chris. Chris and I planned on running as much of the race together as we could, since we both wanted to aim for 7.5 hour loops.

What happened to me?

Unfortunately, the “lady time” of the month came three days early. I noticed it when Chris and I stopped at the aid station around mile 13. Despite this terrible news, I still battled the course...

The best part of the story is probably almost getting hit in the head by a flying squirrel.

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