About Matthew Setter
Teaching how to build and deploy web-based apps in PHP and Go

G'day. I create videos, technical tutorials, books, and courses showing how to build web-based apps in PHP and Go. I cover the ins and outs of building modern web-based applications; everything from designing, testing, building, deploying, and so much more in a fun, relaxed — and hopefully engaging — way. That might sound nerdy, but I think it's a lot of fun. If it's something that you're learning, or want to learn, I just might have the teaching style to suit you. I decided to create this page for all the very kind people who'd like to support my channel, tutorials, and podcast. If you'd like to, then you can buy me a coffee here. The money may actually end up paying for a coffee. More than likely it'll end up ploughed back into research for future tutorials, videos, books, and courses, or equipment and software to help make them better.
Recent supporters
Building web apps in Go is extremely rewarding. No surprise there, right?! However, as Go’s a compiled language, to see changes, you need to recompile and restart them. Needless to say that’s quite tedious! With live reloading, it doesn’t need to be . Here's a short tutorial that goes into a bit of depth, with a semi-realistic example, showing how to get started. I'd love your feedback on it...
Live Reload Go Projects with wgo is so worth it
Apr 23, 2024
In case you missed my recent post , I recently, deployed a Go-powered app backed by an SQLite database on Fly.io for the first time. It was a fun and informative experience, so I blogged about the experience in the hope that it might help or inspire someone else. While I don't want to rehash all of the details, the essentials of the process are: Package up your app in a Docker image using a Docker...
I deployed a Go app on Fly.io. Here's what the experience was like
Mar 13, 2024