Why Does Your Company Need a Website?

Why Does Your Company Need a Website?

May 25, 2022

The way we use the world wide web has changed dramatically over the last 10-20 years. With new ways to communicate and conduct our everyday tasks, we find ourselves increasingly attached to our phones, tablets, and computers. Even our televisions connect to the internet, which has become a vital part of how we consume content. We've also become increasingly used to shopping online, with a whole world of products available with just a few clicks. Thinking of navigating a journey to somewhere unknown without online maps, GPS location, and traffic updates can be unthinkable for the generation that grew up with this technology. If you run a company, you will know how significant your online presence is, so let's look at why your company might need a website.


Having a presence online is an excellent way for your existing and potential customers to know that you are a legitimate business. Featuring reviews and customer testimonials is a great way to create trust. In the same way that a physical store can represent the core values of a brand, this also applies to your website. The level of attention to detail and how often you update your information will tell your customers about how you run your business.


If you are selling products online, there is much more to consider than with an information/brochure based website. You will need to consider how selling online affects your existing operations and ensure no customer contact or orders are missed. Due to the number of factors to consider, you need to research the platforms available to you and make sure you speak to the experts. There are so many platforms that you can create a great website on. It's up to you whether you choose to build a website yourself if you have the knowledge to do so or whether you look to hand this over to the experts by dealing with, for example, a Magento agency or freelance developer. If processing online orders is something you have not had previous experience with, try to write down the step-by-step process of how you want a customer to order from you and then discuss this with the relevant experts that can make this happen and guide you through your options.


Providing easy to access information to your customers is a great way to show that you understand their needs and what they're looking for. Updating your website regularly is excellent not just from the customer's perspective but also in how search engines view your website. If your customers have access to everything they need, you are also reducing the need for unnecessary customer service calls/emails/chat responses. It is good to have a chat widget enabled on your website. From the queries you receive, you will be able to understand common questions and adjust your offering of online information accordingly. Chat tools are also a great way to ensure that people don't bounce off your website, as people are more likely to ask a question through them than fill in a contact form etc.


While you may already be marketing your brand through social media, a website is a foundational tool for reaching new customers. Making sure your website is full of information or products that you know people are searching for means that you are more likely to be found in ways that are not possible with more traditional marketing. Look to speak with a specialist SEO agency or hire someone who has experience in digital marketing to see the difference this can make to your conversions/reach. They may advise on simple things you can do yourself that you haven’t considered before.

Whatever you are using your website for, you need to ensure that you're viewing it as an extension of how you want your brand to be seen. Make sure you have captivating imagery, interactive features, easy ways for customers to contact you, and any functionality your customers may use on other websites. It's always great to keep on top of the latest trends for web user experience, and if you are selling products online, it's always great to think about how to reduce the number of steps there need to be in the purchasing process.


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