The Top Exercises for Health and Wellbei ...

The Top Exercises for Health and Wellbeing

May 03, 2022

You don’t have to be a serious athlete to want to take up a new sport and get fitter and healthier. Physical activity of some kind should be a priority for everyone, even those with some physical limitations. Exercise takes a huge range of diverse forms, and it’s important to find something that you find enjoyable and safe, as well as suitable for your level of fitness.

The worst thing you can do when building an exercise regime, especially if you have never exercised or have not done so in a long time, is to take on too much too quickly. Doing so is likely to get you injured, and even a small injury can set your progress back by a matter of weeks, or even months if it is a moderately severe injury. 

Like taking up any new skill, the best approach you can take is to start slow and build your way up to more intense activity. This way you are much less likely to injure yourself, and you’ll also be better able to maintain your interest levels in your chosen sport because you are less likely to feel overwhelmed by it. 

Luckily, there are plenty of different sporting activities you can do to keep yourself fitter and healthier, and most of these can be adapted to your personal fitness and mobility levels. Some of the best and most efficient exercises don’t require you to pay for an expensive gym membership, or even leave your home. 

Here’s a rundown of some of the best physical activities to try this year to improve your health and fitness levels. Some can be done at home while others will encourage you to head out for your daily dose of exercise. 

Getting in shape in 2022

If you have not exercised in a long time or have never been accustomed to regular physical activity, you need to start with something gentle that will allow you to build intensity into your regime as you go. Swimming is one of the best exercises for this because it is not weight bearing and you can go at your own pace that you feel is manageable. The non-weight bearing aspect makes it the ideal choice for people who have joint problems, and it’s also good for people with mild to moderate mobility issues. If you want to give swimming a try, speak to your doctor first if you do have physical issues/

If you prefer not to get your hair wet or want something you can do at home, tai chi is a great option because it’s gentle and you only need some basic equipment. Look for ethical clothing in the UK that is designed for moderate sports and then find a tutorial you like the look of online. Follow along with this and keep in mind that the idea isn’t to do too much at once, just take it easy because you can always increase the intensity a little next time. 

One form of exercise that is often overlooked is walking. This is a perfectly valid way to get your daily exercise done, especially if you can maintain a moderate pace. As with any exercise, start small with some leisurely walks of 20 minutes or so, and increase your pace and distance gradually over time. Make sure you have some comfortable and supportive shoes to wear for your walk, and dress appropriately for the weather - you’ll be good to go!

If you find that you enjoy brisk walks, you can try incorporating some jogging into your route to begin with. Start by walking briskly for two minutes then increase your pace to a mild jog for 30 seconds. Increase the amount of time you jog gradually because this will make it easier for you to build up your physical strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Jogging can be a little harder on your joints than the other exercises listed here, so just be careful if your joints are a concern for you. If you are not sure whether this kind of exercise will work for you then you should always speak to your doctor before you start anything new that could potentially cause you injury.


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