About Running Book Reviews
A podcast where our chats about all things running, start with a book.

Running Book Reviews is a podcast created and hosted by Alan Miller and Liz Mokrusa.
All types of running related books are reviewed by these 2 non-elite track, marathon and trail runners. Observation and description of running books intended to inform, help and inspire anyone involved or related to running at any level. Practical, hands on insights, opinions and recommendations are given related to each book and discussions often feature the author themselves.
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Winter Humility by Alan Miller Run training in winter in Montreal presents some challenges. Most of them are ice and snow related along with their buddies, cold wind and freezing temperatures. The challenge is to keep it fresh and keep getting out there. I don't know who first said it, but I have often repeated the phrases in winter “There are there are no bad conditions, only bad clothing choic...
first draft story from Alans forthcoming book (?)
Jan 04, 2025
https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/half-marathon-recap-with-coach-alan/id1682791126?i=1000672332891 Alan dicusses his own marathon attempt at Wineglass Marathon and then then coaching for host Brandon's first ever half marathon at the Petit Train du Nord. Apple link above but the podcast is on all platforms under Crossfit Max, the gym that Alan and Liz go to.
Alan guests on Crossfit Max podcast again
Oct 21, 2024
CrossFit Max is owned by Alan's daughter Susie and son-in-law Brandon. Alan went on their podcast to talk about the customized half marathon run program he has developed for Brandon. You can find the CrossFit Max Podcast on all major platforms but here is the link to the Apple podcast version https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/half-marathon-training-program-with-coach-alan/id1682791126?i=100066...
Alan is a guest on Crossfit Max Podcast
Jul 18, 2024