About rndblnch
building Présentation.app

Présentation.app creator here. You can buy me a coffee, a cup of tea, a beer…
And help me cover the Apple developer program membership fees.
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I am happy to announce the release of Présentation.app 3.3 ! The biggest code change introduced by this release consists in allowing to play the movies directly embedded in the slide. Additionally, the inset live video can now be moved to any corner of the presentation view. This release also adds some minor features/fixes (see detailed list of changes below), the most notable being a fix for bug...
Présentation.app 3.3.0 is out!
Jan 09, 2024
I am happy to announce the release of Présentation.app 3.2.1 ! The biggest code change introduced by this release consists in switching from hand-crafted parsing of javascript code produced by the LaTeX animate package to using the JavaScriptCore framework for that task. This allows to improve the support for animations: loop and autoplay should now be supported. This release also adds some minor...
Présentation.app 3.2.1 is out!
Mar 06, 2023
I am happy to announce the release of Présentation.app 3.1.1 ! This release mostly fixes the app that the last macOS Monterey update (12.6) broke. Apple decided to upgrade the python3 version that is shipped with macOS, and Présentation.app bundles a binary python package (PyObjC) that depends on the python3 version used… As a fix, the app now ships with 4 (!) versions of PyObjC, one for pytho...
Présentation.app 3.1.1 is out!
Sep 26, 2022