25 supporters
Présentation.app 3.1.1 is out!

Présentation.app 3.1.1 is out!

Sep 26, 2022

I am happy to announce the release of Présentation.app 3.1.1!

This release mostly fixes the app that the last macOS Monterey update (12.6) broke.

Apple decided to upgrade the python3 version that is shipped with macOS, and Présentation.app bundles a binary python package (PyObjC) that depends on the python3 version used… As a fix, the app now ships with 4 (!) versions of PyObjC, one for python3.7 (12.4), one for python3.8 (12.5) and two for python3.9 (12.6): a version for Intel processors (x86_64) and another for ARM processors (arm64). The app is now about 22MB on disk.

For upcoming versions, I will try to install the dependency on first launch according to the system rather than packaging all the possible versions, so expect a 3.2 release soon.

I would like to thank all the people that have already supported this work, send feedback, reported bugs, or just dropped a message to tell that the app is somehow useful!

Get it while it's hot:


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