Купити для retroCombs кава






  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Monthly Newsletter Access (Email and Online)



Передбачає винагороди Discord

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Listing on retroCombs supporters page

  • Monthly Newsletter Access (Email and Online)

  • Discord community



Передбачає винагороди Discord

  • New member shout outs on social

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Monthly Newsletter Access (Email and Online)

  • Listing on retroCombs supporters page

  • Discord community



Передбачає винагороди Discord

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Listing on retroCombs supporters page

  • Monthly Newsletter Access (Email and Online)

  • New member shout outs on social

  • Discord community

  • Unlock exclusive posts and messages

  • Access to full library

  • Custom "I support retroCombs"e-sticker

C128 (Bil Herd Approved!)


Передбачає винагороди Discord

  • The only retroCombs level approved by Bil Herd!

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Access to full library

  • Monthly Newsletter Access (Email and Online)

  • Listing on retroCombs supporters page

  • Discord community

  • New member shout outs on social

  • retroCombs Sticker or Magnet sent via snail mail

  • Unlock exclusive posts and messages

  • Access to producers Discord channel

  • Producer credit on videos


Обмежена кількість (залишилося 97 з 100)

Передбачає винагороди Discord

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Listing on retroCombs supporters page

  • Monthly Newsletter Access (Email and Online)

  • Discord community

  • New member shout outs on social

  • Unlock exclusive posts and messages

  • Access to full library

  • Custom "I support retroCombs" e-sticker

  • retroCombs Sticker or Magnet sent via snail mail

  • Access to producers Discord channel

  • Executive Producer credit on videos

  • Behind the scenes images of works in progress

  • Themed annual holiday gift (requires 12 months active membership) • Ships November


XEMU MEGA65 Raspian OS Menu Creation Script and Files (Version 1.0)


retroKat Reacts to the Commodore VIC-20: Complete Livestream!


XEMU MEGA65 Raspian OS Menu Creation Script and Files (Version 1.0)


retroKat Reacts to the Commodore VIC-20: Complete Livestream!
