About raldanash
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Translating Resources Coriolis is a Science Fiction role-playing game published by Fria Ligan. It has an astonishingly rich and varied setting. I have been running the game at our local game club for a while and was looking into the region of the Rimward Reach. Of course, a starting point for preparing a campaign is to see what the publisher has put out for it, so I started researching available r...
What's this about
Oct 23, 2020
Today, the full version of the Djachroum and the Rimward Reach sourcebook in translation went live on DriveThru - it had a couple of sales even. Out of 93 units downloaded, 18 paid and 75 did not. Of course, that is fine! I have put these files on as PWYW knowing that most people would grab it for free. What I will be interested to see is whether this ration shifts over time. So, The Truth about S...
Djachroum and the Rimward Reach
Oct 24, 2020