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What's this about

Oct 23, 2020

Translating Resources

Coriolis is a Science Fiction role-playing game published by Fria Ligan. It has an astonishingly rich and varied setting.

I have been running the game at our local game club for a while and was looking into the region of the Rimward Reach. Of course, a starting point for preparing a campaign is to see what the publisher has put out for it, so I started researching available resources.

Coriolis had a previous incarnation under Järnringen and much of their output was never translated from Swedish. This applies to a number of setting descriptions and adventures for the Rimward Reach.

I set about making a workable translation for my players, but in discussions on various forums, Discord and Facebook, it was clear that there is a real appetite among players and fans for these publications to appear in English.

After receiving the permission to publish the resources via the Free League Workshop programme, I started working my translations up to a standard that would make them accessible and useful for the wider English-speaking community.

At the time of writing this, the first adventure "The Truth about Station 18" has clocked over 150 downloads as a "Pay as you want" product. Roughly a quarter of people downloading it chose to pay around £2, of which half is split between DTRPG and Fria Ligan with the other half coming to me.

While this never was about the money, a couple of readers have been in touch to ask whether they could "buy me a coffee", so this is the way to do it!

Many thanks for your support and I hope that the materials I produce are useful and enjoyable for your roleplaying tables!

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