Mozart preferred his coffee black: About two months before he died, Mozart wrote to his wife about playing billiards after which he ordered black coffee and smoked a " wonderful pipe of tobacco ". Coffee even makes an appearance in Don Giovanni . Rossini noticed that coffee's effects wore off after constant use: A lover of many foods, he was quoted as saying, " Coffee is a matter of fifteen or twe...

Musicians and Coffee: A miscellany

Aug 06, 2021
278 Visualizaciones

Zum Roten Igel - the regular haunt of many composers of the period

Jun 20, 2021
1211 Visualizaciones
Over time, a special coffee house culture developed in Habsburg Vienna. On the one hand, writers, artists, musicians, intellectuals, bon vivants and their financiers met in the coffee house, and on the other hand, new coffee varieties were always served. In the coffee house, people played cards or chess, worked, read, thought, composed, discussed, argued, observed and just chatted. A lot of inform...

A Sort of Democratic Club - Coffee Houses in Vienna

May 16, 2021
377 Visualizaciones
December 1792: Right after arriving in Vienna, Beethoven prepared a shopping list. Items and costs on the list are “wig-maker, coffee, overcoat, boots, shoes, pianoforte-desk, seal, writing-desk, pianoforte-money.” In Beethoven’s time Vienna still had a rigid class-based society each having its own brothels, restaurants and coffee houses (cafés), but Beethoven, as a commoner and darling of ...

Beethoven and Coffee

Apr 03, 2021
386 Visualizaciones
Sólo seguidores

Coffee Houses in Vienna

Mar 20, 2021
439 Visualizaciones
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Bach and Coffee

Mar 05, 2021
146 Visualizaciones
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Coffee houses in England

Feb 15, 2021
127 Visualizaciones
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Early Coffee Drinkers

Jan 30, 2021
154 Visualizaciones
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The First Coffee Houses

Jan 15, 2021
175 Visualizaciones