My First Hurrah

My First Hurrah

Jun 18, 2022

I will try to post a little update here with what I am working on and when.

So, at the moment there are a few things in the creation bank. As of today, on my scratch disk, we have 3 effects videos, two debunks and a ridiculous party piece should I ever hit 1000 subscribers (I honestly do not know how I go this close).

I am also still in talks with the church local to our friend, and hoping to get up north to conduct this interview soon. I have also got an ex-friend of the culprit in chats, but they are being cagey and I am unsure of how genuine they really are.

So that's the first mini post. I look forward to seeing somebody, or even nobody soon.

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2 Commentaires
Danny Rippon
Jul 08, 2022
Any updates on the Lee situation
Wendy Schmitt
Jun 24, 2022
I did write something but I don’t see it here. I need to work on my tech skills.

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