So, hello to you all. So this is just a message to keep my favourite people in the loop. first of all, I apologise that I’ve been away for a little while. The last few weeks have been mighty tough, death in the family, and then I lost a massive source of primary income which has knocked me for six. As hard as it is, I try to balance life and my mental health and hopefully you’ll be pleased to ...
An Update for My Wonderful Supporters
Jul 06, 2022
I will try to post a little update here with what I am working on and when. So, at the moment there are a few things in the creation bank. As of today, on my scratch disk, we have 3 effects videos, two debunks and a ridiculous party piece should I ever hit 1000 subscribers (I honestly do not know how I go this close). I am also still in talks with the church local to our friend, and hoping to get ...
My First Hurrah
Jun 18, 2022