
Jan 09, 2020

We’re only a few days in to 2020 and already the world is suffering under the tyranny of the threat of war. And our emotions are under siege as we watch Australia burn. So where can we find peace?

We have to create it.

Now more than ever we can be the change the world is asking for. It's so easy to fall into the old energy of despair and blame but we have consciously moved beyond that illusion of powerlessness into our sovereign power.

We need to be aware in every molecule that by contributing our uniqueness to the world we will effect quantum shifts in awareness, allowance and possibility.

We hold our centre, honouring the pain and trauma but refusing to be drawn into the skewed, obsolete ‘realities’ of mainstream media, politicians and our own beliefs, agendas and programs.

We hold the quantum visions of different realities, new futures of expanded potential, for all Life. Celebrating our own healing and regenerating powers.

Shine out beautiful Beings.

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