You Are Not Your Feelings

Oct 09, 2023

We all have Emotions. Our abilities to feel is one of the things that makes us humans. We smile and laugh when happy,we cry when sad,we frown to show our displeasure with situations etc. Some emotions are visible while others aren't. Some emotions can be masked and others are so obvious. It's believe that our emotions can affect our productivity and our relationships with God and fellow men.

However I have come to understand that my emotions/ feelings, no matter how valid they are don't define me. Yes! especially as a christian, I'm not my feelings. Who I am is what God says.I am not ruled by my feelings rather I am governed by the Truth i.e the word of God.

Although we live in the world,we are not of the world. Today's society tells people to do what makes them feel good, even if it's detrimental to their wellbeing. We don't adhere to such believes. We as the children of God are different.

Should the christian ignore his/her emotions. Surely not. However if he/she focuses so much on how they feel about a situation it has the tendency to lead to struggle in their faith. Faith and feelings don't work together. Faith tells us that God is always present. Even in the most difficult moments he is there. Feelings on the other hand will not sense God even when he is present. This is because situations can alter the ways we feel.

Honestly we will not always feel like praying, reading the Bible or sense God's presence. Nonetheless we should grow beyond feelings and start functioning from the place of faith.

Mark 11:23 says "if you believe without doubt that a mountain can be moved then it's possible"

It may sound very impossible but that doesn't change what's already written.

Thus we should grow in faith and develop emotional intelligence as we mature in Christ.

I pray we all grow pass our feelings.

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