It's been a minute-

It's been a minute-

Mar 23, 2022

The image is of myself, old and in pieces, but apparently still useful enough to scavenge for parts and whatnot...

Sorry for the long and unanticipated neglect but this last year has me chasing my own tail as I work through some staggering and unwelcome diversions of my time.

I have returned to writing on my public blog, which will soon be separated from my business website, so I can focus more on writing and finishing The Book I keep talking about and struggling to stay focused on.

Well, I'm now several chapters in and hope to have it DONE done and ready for distribution this summer.

In the meantime, for folks that have stayed with me this far, I have made "Perfect Puppy" available for free, as well as a document I had prepared for distribution to new puppy clients with a link-fest for all of the things I personally use, and where to get them. These are available here, for free, to folks that have supported my abuse of their time with scribbles and temperamental outbursts on other social media platforms.

I will be making excerpts of The Book available exclusively to folks who have supported me throughout my period of non-productivity, for which I will also be gifting electronic copies to at no charge once we publish, because you continued to support me, even though I have not tended this garden in a long while.

As I iron out all of the negative things that have plagued me throughout 2021, I really look forward to nurturing relationships with the wonderful people that have continued to patiently wait for new material, and other signs of life, and hopefully welcome new sponsors for my work.

Thank you,


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