this poem i ugly cried while writing. i hold it very dear to my heart. i cannot explain how surreal this has all felt. Dear Katie, dear naive child who sometimes tries to say hello to possible new friends dear tiny woman who did not appreciate her masculinity nor understand her femininity dear old soul trapped inside a young body that was not welcomed by older bodies dear daughter of a depressed m...
dear katie,
Aug 30, 2021
my childhood home had a basement- to some, that meant my days were spent in fun while to others, terror but to me, the basement was nothing notable- it was the stairs. the old and dark wood, the black darkness behind each step... what was back there, anyways? it was the kind of staircase you'd see in a horror movie, much like the one in the store i now work at. this one is so narrow it spikes my a...
Aug 26, 2021
patter patter goes the rain, crashing over my roof and bouncing off the roads i drive over squeak squeaking comes from my sweaty palms gripping my steering wheel as if it will save me- take me away from the reality that sets in more and more with each honk honks fill my ears as the light turns green yet i remain dormant. it is then that i wonder how did i get here? shriek maybe it was my relatives...
Auditory Sensitivity.
Aug 23, 2021