Follow Joe Rover on Amazon for more sci-fi fantasy! Dean recently recounted an adventure where he ran into Robin 89, a version of Robin Hood from 1989. This version of Robin Hood stole powers/talents from the rich/those who abuse their gifts and gave them to the poor/those who would use them correctly. During the adventure, Dean learned that Robin 89 was not alone in this endeavor; there were coun...
Robin 89
Mar 15, 2022
It was Steve Truevol, the cyborg butler. Chip knew it was the butler after he made the mistake of saying it was the diamond that was stolen and not the ruby . Only the thief knew the diamond was stolen; everyone else thought it was the ruby. Faced with the facts, Steve confessed. He revealed that he was the victim of Kevin Kon’s first con, which is how he ended up needing cybernetic replacements...
Solution to The Case of the Con Man's Crown
Feb 18, 2022
As if I didn’t have enough going on with this whole Capstone returning thing, the Gates of Eden (aka the Creation Orbs) started acting up. It was first noticeable with the BLT Orb. There was some strange weather, glitches in our systems, and strange visions of ghost-like people (reality bleed through). Copycat then contacted us; the Tektixian Sphere (aka Gate of Eden) was pulsing strange energy....
The Gates of Wrath
Jan 07, 2022