Gaming and Streaming | Flashbang Joe on ...

Gaming and Streaming | Flashbang Joe on YouTube and Twitch

Jan 23, 2024

Calling all gamers!

In my initial announcement I made small references hinting at the idea of streaming online content. My expectation was just to have a little private area on my Discord server for hanging out with a small crew who cared about my niche style of gameplay and shared my interests in survival games. For the past month I found myself testing multiple hardware setups, configuring streaming software and third-party apps, and creating various graphics and content for my websites and multimedia platforms. I'm just getting started and it is A LOT of work! I give content creators a heck lot of credit.

After a few test runs streaming, I found it enjoyable watching the recordings playback into what ended up looking like chill, slow-paced "Let's Play" gaming videos from back in the beginning days of YouTube. I've decided to keep the momentum with all this and redesigned my old YouTube channel for the collection of these new videos. I also started questioning myself, "Since I'm doing all this work I might as well just give it a shot at streaming on Twitch. I've got nothing to lose. If I decide I don't like it, I can drop it anytime. Right?". And so, Flashbang Joe survival gaming on YouTube and Twitch was revealed behind the cobwebs. If you're on any of these platforms, hope to see you there on my first days live. Drop me a follow and show some support!

FlashbangJoe YouTube Channel - [ YouTube @FlashbangJoe ]
View a collection of raw, unedited "Let's Play" videos. Possibly some photography videos in the future.

FLASHBANG JOE. Interesting name? Flashbang Joe has been an online alias of mine that I've kept anonymous for two decades! It originated from an online superhero I created from a game called City of Heroes. The character had empathetic powers whose purpose was to help those in need. He also had the ability to blind enemies with flashes of light. The characteristics are fitting given my current state and career in studio flash photography. 😂

Since my business brand is my name (Joseph Casia Photography), and given now my transparency with the gaming industry, I thought it's about time I just merge the two identities and make it public. I'm hoping that in time this will draw the attention of those with similar interests as me and the possibility of collaboration with my personal photography projects.

If you're interested in my gaming and photography community, join my Discord.
For streams and recordings, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and follow me on Twitch. I only stream survival games and keep it low key and chill.

If you'd like to contribute to my efforts, it would be much appreciated. You can join as a member or simply buy me a coffee. Part of received funds will go towards gaming servers and photography tools to allow my community to gather together and collaborate.

Streamed games: The Long Dark, 7 Days to Die, Project Zomboid, Don't Starve Together

FlashbangJoe Twitch Channel - [ Twitch @FlashbangJoe ]

I hope some of you have found interest in this. It's only a matter of time before we see this branch out into something else new. Maybe even live streaming photography sessions on Twitch and posting on YouTube? We'll see. Take care all and join me in my new adventure!

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