New Beginnings

Nov 18, 2023

Hello World!

I'm so grateful to have you here. To start things off, I just want to drop some background info on how I got here with Buy Me a Coffee (BMC). If you've been around me long enough, you know that I'm often seen reaching out a helping hand to individuals or nonprofit organizations in need. In this chaotic world we live in, it's a nice change to be able to contribute to events that uplift the spirits of others or radiate positivity. At times, I offer my photography and design services for free and am often asked what can be done in return. Now, for me, the answer is easy... "Buy me a coffee!".

Buy Me a Coffee

I love it because it's just simple, friendly, and matches my addiction to coffee. It's basically a tip jar in the form of coffee. No account creation is needed and tips can be made anonymously if necessary. You can contribute any amount anytime you want. You just tip whenever you feel like supporting my work or celebrating achievements.

BUT... there's also the option for a little membership if you wish to support me on a monthly basis. This twist to the platform matches my personality and lifestyle perfectly. It allows me to build a private community of individuals who are interested in my personal work while down the line being able to reward them in some way. This will keep me motivated to continue developing more personal projects and helping others in the process. It also allows me to build a safe space for us all to enjoy and relax a bit. My mind has been moving in all directions with ideas to work on, but I think this is a good start.

Anyway, if you ever have a need to contribute, there is now a way. Whether it be coffee or membership, I'm incredibly grateful for your support. I'm happy to have you along my creative journey and hope you will enjoy what my future has to offer. If you're not expecting anything and just want to support, thank you my friend. You are legend!

In this Season of Thanks, thank you for your time reading this far. Thank you for all your support! Thank you for being you! And if you want to thank ME... Buy me a coffee! 😉

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