As a drummer and educator it's been my mission to teach and inspire drummers from around the world with fun & useful online lessons. In addition to drum education content I also produce content like drum covers, drum recording tips, and my own original music.
I have so many wonderful subscribers/followers that show up in my comment section and hit that like button. I would love to grow the channel, the lessons, and the production value to a new level in 2024 and I could really use your help!
If just 5% of my 70,000 person following bought me a coffee every month I could take my production value and content release schedule to the next level!
If you've been entertained or have received value from my online drum videos/lessons I would greatly appreciate it if you would buy me a coffee!
Please consider helping me finance more videos, and upgrade production by gifting me a cup of joe, or even better, gifting me a monthly coffee! :)
Thank you!
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Mark Holahan ha comprado un coffee .
Excellent instruction!

Baz ya es miembro.
Great presentation style. Professional and relaxed. Thank You