💪🏽Kicking Limiting Beliefs To The Curb

💪🏽Kicking Limiting Beliefs To The Curb

Jul 07, 2024

What are limiting beliefs? Simply put, "It is a state of mind or belief about yourself that restricts you in some way."

Many ask how or where did limiting beliefs come from? The seeding began during the most innocent of stages of life. Childhood. And the crazy part...no one has the same limiting beliefs. That's right. Some are weighed down with beliefs they are unlovable. Some live under limiting financial beliefs. Some live under a belief that nothing they do will ever be right. These beliefs couldn't be further from the truth.

At times you may find yourself doing the "right things" and feeling like only a portion of movement/results are happening. This is where I usually ask people to do their higher self and current self justice and STOP for a moment to sift. Sift through and let go of the bullshit. Why? Because if you are striving towards a more fulfilled & flowing life you can't take those limiting beliefs with you. They will not serve your journey's highest good. Instead, they will stop you from speaking up when needed, taking that amazing opportunity because of fear...the list goes on. Ultimatly, if we try to take limiting beliefs with us our whole life we will encounter limited results. These beliefs will continue to produce results that aren't pleasent until you choose to bravely challenge what you THINK you know. It is in the challenging that we turn the faucet on full blast and stop living in the trickle of our life.

Before anyone can 'break' old patterns or limiting beliefs, they must first acknowledge when the seed was planted. A doctor wouldn't sow you up without removing all their tools that assisted in your surgery. Therefore, you cannot fully step into your life until you are willing to take time to locate the root of your beliefs and loving dig them up so that the soil of your soul may honestly plant anew.

When we try to do the work of manifesting (prayer) and are met with limited results, it is most likely the result of living in a dual mindset/vibration. What do I mean by this? Have you ever told someone you're okay when they ask? Knowing good and well you have been sitting there hoping they would ask you...because then it would be easier to talk about. You'd feel less like a burden for being human and having emotions and needing support in this moment if they'd ask you. Yet, when they do ask, you shy away with your, "Yes, I'm fine." That's a dual mindset. You want 1 thing, yet aren't willing to do the uncomfortable thing. In this example the uncomfortable thing is being vunerable and open. I bet if you think back on those moments, you didn't feel any better by telling your half-truth. You possibly added to your own stressful internal dialogue that most likely turned into a full day or even week of further doubting, dodging, & self-sabotaging.

The same is true for any area of limiting beliefs. If you are thinking/feeling one way, but seeking something different without changing those thoughts/feelings, you aren't fully living in the vibration of what you desire.

How Do You Flip The Script?

While we can not control our thoughts, we can control how long we choose to entertain them. If you are an overthinker or critical thinker this is crucial. It is very easy to create a full story based off limiting beliefs and past experiences that allow you to keep entertaining those life circling thoughts. It is when we dig deep and uncover where they began that true change manifests. One of the greatest shifts I did while exploring the shadows of my own limiting beliefs was changing my mindset. No matter what negative or self-sabotating thought appeared, I challenged it. And sometimes that challenging looked like me simply not enteraining a thought that I didn't fully hold all the facts on.

My Mindset is:

Every day I'm going to let go of old patterns that weigh me down and build new patterns that lift me up.

One area I had to dig in to was, why I felt the need to choose partners and friends that made me feel as though I'm "hard to love." I also began diving into why my mood was so controlled by the material world. You know what I found? I never took on partners/friends with toxicity that wasn't already a family dynamic. Yes, I'm human enough to admit it. The other ironic part I found was, I didn't choose to take on ALL the toxic patterns though. Many toxic cycles I saw, I consciously made notes in those moments that I would not be living that story. And I have walked through life doing just that in those areas... What I was unaware of though, were all the small hiccups that I did choose to live with, & how they were keeping my life & blessings on trickle mode.

Getting to the root of my hate for money...

Living with my grandmother, I never worried about money. Never wondered where the next meal was coming from. Home was secure & stable. NADDA. Wasn't even in my scope of needing to think about.

From 12 years old-24 years old...well it was the exact opposite. I know many are looking at the number thinking, "24 years old. Girl you were grown." And you would be correct in one breath, but let me enlighten you. First above the table job at 14. First paying job 13. First career 16-22 in the financial management industry. During that time I also enlisted in USAF National Guard. Why? Main motive...Money. I needed money because I had bad credit before I was even old enough to have credit. I'm quite smart, therefore, I knew what I needed to live the life I saw in my mind's eye & clean up my birth mother's mess (via my name). Only careers and turning my talents into money makers were going to get me there. But my feelings towards money and having to spend it the ways I did were keeping me all pent up. Yes, I've been intentionally and unintentionally manifesting money with ease for as long as I can remember, but for many years my blessings never stuck around long. Once I began to unpack why and when I started feeling this way, that's when my blessings and opportunties began to pour in. I couldn't keep up!

The Pivot...

What I discovered as I began digging in that area was, I hated paying bills because 75% of them weren't even bills I choice to have. I dispised the fact that she stole in my name and there was nothing I could legally do because it's my word against hers. I saw spending; whether for life responsibilities or fun, as the enemy and coming to take what I finally was being repaid.

As I let all of these feelings surface without judgement, I immediately saw how I was my own issue. I allowed myself to toy with the idea of shifting how I thought and spoke about each one of those actions.

Hated Paying bills I didn't choose----->> Thankful I can provide all my needs and then some.

Hating the thief----->> Thankful I do not have to stoop to such measures to gain what I want or need. I trust in the divine's ability to meet my ability and for that I am blessed. (took the focus competely off them.)

I circulate money! This was the one that truly unlocked it all. The moment I changed my thoughts from spending to "Bitch you move money around like a beast!" It all seemed to fall in line.

When we dread something, that's an energy. And no matter what words we try to force pass our lips, energy NEVER lies. If you feel apprehensive when it comes to spending money, that's a block. Nothing you spend is going to waste...it's all being used for your life force in some way. Money for a mortage/rent-that's ensuring stability, saftey, and so many other needs as well as wants. Money for food-fuel that sustains you and allows you the ultimate wealth, health. Gives you energy to be there for yourself, your family, your communities. The moment you see your spending as an investment you have killed half of your money problems. Why? Because once you began thinking and speaking like this, your spending has no choice but to align. Things that aren't necessary, you'll willingly and lovingly let them go. As money finds it's way back to you, you instantly have more to invest in savings, that now project, etc.

When we sit down and really begin to let the wounds open, it is amazing how quickly flow and breath even seem to happen with ease.

What limiting beliefs could you benefit from letting go of?

Create Empowering Beliefs:

Here are some empowering beliefs you can start using in your life immediately.

Limiting Belief: I don't know enough. Empowering Belief:I know enough for today and I know where to learn more.

Limiting Belief: I don't have the time to learn enough.

Empowering Belief:I have all the time I need.

Limiting Belief: I don't trust myself.

Empowering Belief:I honor my inner voice.

Limiting Belief: I'm nobody with nothing to offer. Empowering Belief: By divine design, I am an infinite creator.

Limiting Belief: I don't have any special gifts/talents.

Empowering Belief: I express my gifts in brillance.

Limiting Belief: My life isn't meaningful/rewarding.

Empowering Belief:My life is very fulfilling and meaningful!

You can't just say these. You must be willing to becoming knowing of the truth. Taking a step back and finding who planted these limiting ideas & when; will allow for the knowing energy (the feeling) that will allow you to begin manifesting the actions that are truly necessary for your highest good.

Blogs of Interest

The Power of Words blogs:


Removing The Mask blogs:

Healing Naturally: https://buymeacoffee.com/eluminate/healing-naturally-what-is-the-nervous-system

Erica Parrótt/Eluminate/These Are The Times bio.link/ericapar

Holistic Beauty & Wellness: https://msha.ke/elumiskinwellness

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