Karl Wilcox
91 sostenitori
Atten-shun! Shoulder... Arms!

Atten-shun! Shoulder... Arms!

Jun 14, 2020

A quiz question for you - in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe, what is a “Pauldron”?

1) A totally impractical piece of body armour that prevents the wearer raising their arms above the shoulder or seeing enemies approaching from the sides

2) A vital and much loved part of the uniform that is used to display insignia and faction symbols for instant recognition on the battlefield

3) One of thousands of colourful, high quality graphical images that can easily be created using the Pauldron Builder page at https://drawshield.net/w40k

4) All of the above!

The Pauldron Builder page has an easy to use “point and click” interface from which you can choose any of the Citadel Miniatures paint colours, any of more than 150 faction symbols and a selection of other heraldic features that look nice on a Pauldron. You can even add a motto using the gloriously near-unreadable Hooge-05-53 font!

You can download your completed image as a file in a variety of formats, or transfer it to the full DrawShield “create” page where you have access to the full range of thousands of additional heraldic features that you can add. From there you can also submit it to the DrawShield gallery, where it might be chosen to join over 2,000 other images.

If you are a Warhammer 40,000 fan, or know of any, please share this resource!

The Pauldron Builder is provided as a free service for fans and players of Warhammer 40,000 and must not be used for commercial purposes. Copyright in all faction symbols remains with Games Workshop and the colour names are the property of Citadel Miniatures. No copyright infringement is intended.

P.S. I was particularly pleased with the title here - "Shoulder Arms" - geddit?

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