Sostenitori recenti

Verro 67 hat ein coffee gekauft.

Verro 67 hat ein coffee gekauft.
I'm still appreciating your older content as much as ever bro'.
Really unsure if you're still out there but allowing for all eventualities in life I try to keep positive.
Be well whether here or.............

Verro 67 hat ein coffee gekauft.
Hope you are still somewhere out there, anywhere and a lot better.
Miss your uploads, downloads, whatever. I'm not the only one going through older videos and sometimes get a response to an older comment, which is nice.
Miss you bro'.

Verro 67 hat ein coffee gekauft.
If you don't succeed on Wednesday after trying five or six times! Try again on Thursday.
Be well bro'.

Verro 67 hat ein coffee gekauft.
I think soon a decision will have to be made as it's impossible to know what is going on. I'd sooner not make it but it's hard to keep talking into a void.
Be well bro' if you're still out there.