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Verro 67 bought a coffee.

Verro 67 bought a coffee.
I'm still appreciating your older content as much as ever bro'.
Really unsure if you're still out there but allowing for all eventualities in life I try to keep positive.
Be well whether here or.............

Verro 67 bought a coffee.
Hope you are still somewhere out there, anywhere and a lot better.
Miss your uploads, downloads, whatever. I'm not the only one going through older videos and sometimes get a response to an older comment, which is nice.
Miss you bro'.

Verro 67 bought a coffee.
If you don't succeed on Wednesday after trying five or six times! Try again on Thursday.
Be well bro'.

Verro 67 bought a coffee.
I think soon a decision will have to be made as it's impossible to know what is going on. I'd sooner not make it but it's hard to keep talking into a void.
Be well bro' if you're still out there.