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Audionaut - (Podcast Member)


Incluye ventajas de Discord

  • Early access to podcasts up to 2 weeks early* 🎧

  • Exclusive access to a playable PDF of our D&D campaign ⚔️

  • Access to BTS content and extended cuts of our podcasts 🎬

  • Be listed as a "Producer" in the credits wherever possible* 🪄

  • Access to an exclusive VC & Chat via a Discord Role 🎟

  • Access to Some Exclusive Videos by Bored Chaps & LordWongy 🎥

Content Crusader - (VIP Member)


Incluye ventajas de Discord

  • Access to our members exclusive original shows 🍿

  • Access to EVERY Perk from the Audionaut Tier 🎧

  • Early access to Bored Chaps & LordWongy YouTube content 🎥

  • Access to unlisted Bored Chaps & LordWongy videos 🤫

  • BTS content and extended cuts from all of our content 🎬

  • Occasional discounts on store.boredchaps.com & chronicfresh.co.uk 💰

  • Early access to join big events and projects with your favourite creators 🔮

  • Access to an exclusive VC & Chat via a Discord Role 🎟

  • Exclusive updates on secret big projects before anyone else 🌚

Lord of the Nerds - (Rich Member)

Limitado (1 de 1 restantes)

  • Access to literally everything from the previous tiers 🤹

Comprar Bored Chaps un cup of tea!

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