Mental Monday 28th November 2022

Mental Monday 28th November 2022

Nov 28, 2022

I wasn't sure how else to begin this, but here we go, Mental Monday can be a regular way for me to share into the world via the internet and apparent way to communicate, the thoughts and musings that are happening for me at the moment. Like a journal entry but instead of writing it in one of my many journals I'll write it here instead, or speak it out on my YouTube channel.

I read a post yesterday on Instagram and it occurred to me how little I had looked outside last week for signs. Instead I chose to have a 'week off' spiritual work, a 'week off' growth and expansion and to just be in the space I happen to be. And I'm really glad I did, although I still worked in the clinic at half capacity, I spent a lot of time outside or trying new things (like running! HA HA HA - OMG - this will be interesting....) and swimming in the ocean or just hanging out with Jesse or at home. It didn't mean my brain and mind switched off, but at times I noticed it actually had. It seems the universe, or spirit, has decided that this week I can work on reflecting upon the last little while and to do some work at home on here and away from the clinic as my week is really quiet (wow.....) and that's cool because we are now changing from Spring to Summer here and from Kambarang to Birak in the pocket I live in and according to the Noongar seasons (I put a pic down below to show the seasons for those interested), it's time for me to have a few days cleaning out the toxins from last season and that means a juice fast. When I moved across to WA in 2020 I had begun preparing myself for the trip and found it easy to do the fast, that was going from Autumn into Winter or Djeran into Makuru, and even though my system was pretty clean, the second day still busted me...…. Why?? because I felt fine the first day (super hero here....) and so I went for a bush walk the second day (what not to do!) and when standing by the ocean I suddenly felt like I was going to spew everywhere and just had to get myself home.... I got back just in time to pass out, unfortunately had to take some aspro for the migraine (didn't have any willow bark or frank, lemongrass and marjoram) and sat under the hot shower and crawled into bed and passed out! Woke up on day three still feeling seedy (not so superhero now...) but had mistakenly booked myself a client and as a result ended up back in bed so ill from forcing myself to go and do the work for 2 hours smiling, helping them to feel great, while all the while feeling not so great myself (big lesson.....) by day four I was feeling better and day five I felt brilliant!!!! - I'm about to do this again, except this time I don't have any clients on day 1 or day 2..... and I've gotten all my chores done today - so I think I'm ready, but where was I going with this???

Yeah that's right, reflection week and pondering the post I read last night!

The message was to get to work,. To understand that the lessons we have learnt over the last crazy while (I would assume since 2020 but for me I'm actually feeling it is since beginning to wake up, so since about 2012 perhaps...) are there to create something valuable with and to utilise our greatest lessons for the medicine for others. That we are meant to share them, that while it is our assignment or mission, it effects other people too. The message was to allow the astrological trine to move me, you, us, into new creative opportunities to share wisdom and truth with the collective. To work upon your legacy. So here I am, getting to work, awkward at first, not sure if any of it makes sense and just using the gifts I have to share a story and messages with those who want to read it and find it.

The fast that is coming this week, to allow the channels to be cleared, the system cleansed, will no doubt invite upgrades to kick into gear and help me to share - or to know what to share. Although, I believe I already know, I just need help to gently share it vs vomiting everything all at once all over everyone because right now that's how I feel - it's very much a FUCK where do i start moment!!!

and in that moment I start by slowing down, getting out my deck of cards and having a bit of a shuffle, after I press publish on this post, trusting that I am using the wisdom of Walks Tall Woman (the 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams) and allowing what is to be shared to come.

Have a magical Monday, however mental it may be for you! Our grandmother moon is shifting into Aquarius, the water bearer and the one who reminds us that life is a venue for trying out new things and looking to the future, so be ready for random insights to drop in and new ideas to be shared. Be Open.


Image from



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