{Image description: Digital collage illustration. In the center is a chid dressed as an aviator and with cardboard plane wings on their back. Below them is the front of an old locomotive. These images are in black and white. On each of the upper corners is a jug that pours water below. On the left side of the picture is planet Saturn, and on the right side planet Venus. In the background is a mountain in shades of light blue and the sky in a lighter blue. Decorating each lower corner is the illustration of ivy.}
New Moon: 1˚ Aquarius 33’ | GMT: January 21, 2023, 8:53 pm | EST: January 21, 2023, 3:53 pm
We’ve been working hard on your goals — whichever they may be —, laying the ground for big projects and bigger dreams.
This lunation is about getting unstuck and moving forward. This will not happen immediately, we still need to pick up the pace, and deal with the issues that are weighing us down. It’ll take maturity, discernment and audacity.
The sign of Aquarius
The last of the air signs is ruled by Saturn, just as the previous sign of Capricorn. If Saturn in Capricorn can become too rigid and strict, the hot and moist nature of the air helps this planet go beyond its limits. They like to go where nobody has ever gone before, they’re the ones who break the mould, and dare to explore the unknown.
But Aquarius is also a fixed sign, and people with this energy in their charts can become very stubborn, even if it’s just to go against everyone else. To be taken for granted is so against their nature, that they’ll go out of their way to surprise you. This is not the warmest of the air signs, but they are great friends, and understand the meaning of community like no one else.
Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Even though the Sun has already moved to Aquarius, we are still dealing with the effects of the meeting of Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. Something that we were trying to ignore, or maybe even were unaware of, has come to light in the past couple of days, and it doesn’t look pretty.
Some situation is escaping our control. It could be a sweet but unhealthy habit we must put an end to, or a relationship that has run its course, or maybe a fear we realized is holding us back. Whatever it is, we now know that, until we face it and deal with it, we won’t be able to move forward and fully focus in our projects and goals.
Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn turning direct
Some days before this new moon, both Mars in Gemini and its dispositor, Mercury in Capricorn, have just turned direct, and they are still in the same degree where the station happened — both at 8° of the respective sign —, picking up the pace of the forward movement.
Yes, things that have been blocked, decisions that weren’t being made, papers that were resting on some desk are now being released. Things will happening gradually, as the planets are still gathering momentum. And we must make sure that we are doing our part by taking responsibility and clearing up whatever is no longer needed in our own lives.
Saturn in Aquarius
Cold and dry Saturn is the ruler of this new moon, and we can find him further ahead in the same sign, followed by congenial Venus. Saturn will do everything he can to promote the goals of this Aquarius new moon. These could be to break free from some past conditioning, to try something unusual that hasn’t been done before, to rise higher and understand the concept behind things.
Maybe we need to take a few steps back in order to gain perspective, but this detachment is very useful for us to understand the bigger context. Saturn in Aquarius is all about owning our freedom and our authenticity, without fear of rejection or abandonment. If we are brave enough to take the jump, we’ll find others just like us on the other side.
What area of your life is influenced by Aquarius?
Schedule an appointment with me, and we’ll talk about the meaning of this new moon in your natal chart and everything else that is relevant for you for the next twelve months.
Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
The goddess of beauty and love, planet Venus, is very close to Saturn, adding a sweetness to this otherwise dry and astringent new moon. This connection also brings forward the theme of pleasure and relationships, but it’s not about romantic fantasy or puppy love, as you probably have already guessed.
Venus in contact with Saturn talks about mature relationships, the ones that passed the test of time. In the sign of Aquarius, we have an intellectual, independent and unique background. We’re probably being faced with some kind of decision regarding relationships, friendships or maybe even work partnerships. To go forward we need to take it to another level, or maybe we already did and we now realize that it wasn’t a good idea.
Maybe it’s time to asses a relationship or a pleasurable activity, and find out if it is helping you go forth or if it keeping you behind. Is it worth keeping, and you may have to sacrifice something in order to move to a higher level. Or the price is too high and you need to reclaim your autonomy and your freedom.
New Moon Synthesis
We are done with looking back. Now it’s time to make choices, own our vision, and get back on track. It’s time to lose whatever beliefs, habits or fears that are keeping you from reaching higher and from attaining your goals.
What propels me forward? What is holding me back? Who supports my dreams? Who shares my vision? The answers to these questions may help you make the right decisions. Keep your concept in perspective and your ideals in sight. Dare to break free and to grow beyond the box where you no longer fit.